Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gossip is Toxic

As everyone who reads my blog knows I am slowly trying to rid my body/mind/life toxic things. Whether it be food, thoughts or attitudes, I am working on getting rid of whatever I can in my life that makes me feel negative. Gossip is something I have decided upon today. Now, I will be the first to admit that I am, and have been, a consumer of Gossip, I have been glutenous when it came to gossip. I used to refer to myself as a gossip sponge I held on to everything I could get. No wonder I'm Fat! ;)

Most of us holds a Mental Bank of Gossip on every single person we meet. We hold their back story, their labels and status in file. We know where we rate them in importance and trustworthiness, what we can and cannot talk about with them, which subjects to stay away from and where we can pry. At least I know, and when I think about having that type of relationship it saddens me. Why can't we give information out without having someone judge us for it and 'swear not to tell' and spread it to everyone else who 'swears they won't tell'? It's like a disease! We feed upon it from an early age. It starts with the family view and then becomes stronger during school, which is where it's a breading ground.

We have website like, which is a site I check everyday! Why though? Why do I feel the need to check that site on an hourly basis to see what's going on in someone Else's life, or what tragedy befell the most popular pretty person. He calls names and talks tall shit and he is one of the most popular websites in America! Seriously!!!!?

It's not his fault though, we, I, go to that site. I want to see what's going on so I feel better about having that information or because I can relate to someone in their tragedy or I feel better about myself because She looks horrible in that picture!?! If you think about that, with your heart, does that make any sense? When we live life like that we feed ourselves with negative, sometimes hateful feelings, that are attached to those thoughts. Even if you shield yourself by trying to say something positive or disagreeing with the 'fat' label he put on that girl, you, I, still expose ourselves to that type of negativity all day long.

If it's not a website, family and friends can be great for the daily dose of crap information for your brain. They can tell you gossip about everyone in the family, and even people you don't know and most of the time you don't even have to ask for it. Actually most people, even me, when you get them going, can load a massive amount of useless information about things in life that don't matter.
That is of course depending on your perspective.

I've decided to change my perspective and not feed on negative information, positive for me please. If my body isn't eating empty crap like Double Stuff Oreos and Dr. Pepper why should my mind? I only want to bring healthy, positive, joyful happy things into my environment. I want to only hold on to the light in my life.

Every teaching I find says to focus on the positives in life. I have been slowly getting there, but I am getting there. So I encourage you all to try for a little while to not feed yourself with negativity, only allow as much positive as you can into your life. Maybe if we all work on focusing and holding on to only positivity then positivity could become as contagious as Laughter :) Wouldn't that be nice.

Living Inspired,


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