Thursday, July 2, 2009


My dream relationship:

We are friends. We genuinely care about each other. We have things in common but we aren't the same. He has his passions and I have mine. We both respect each other. We both know, without doubt, that we are going through this journey together. We make each other happy, we laugh a lot and are very light with our love. We are affectionate without being 'all over' each other. Outside people can see our connection, without words needing to be spoken.

He has his own life, he never excludes me and I don't feel the need to be attached to his hip. I occasionally hang out with him and the guys and he's okay with that. His friends like me, his friends respect our relationship. He trusts me. He knows I love him and that I am faithful to him. I am confident of his love for me, his devotion to me and our mutual love for each other. I also have a life. My friends find him to be funny and charming and they can see why we are together. They can tell just by the way we look at each other.

We enjoy spending time together. We are best friends. We are supportive of one another and push each other to accomplish our dreams. Because of that, our friendship and love, we are able to have lives separate of each other. We are not so twisted into one another that you cannot tell where one ends and the other begins. We are two separate but equal people in this relationship. We compliment each other. Neither of us feels like one is doing more to benefit this relationship than the other.

We each have friends of the opposite sex, we trust each other enough to be able to allow the other to be their true selves without any stipulations. He knows I am his and I know he is mine so there is no jealousy.

We talk to each other, truly talk. We tell the each other our greatest dreams and secrets because we know we can trust each other. There is no judgement in this relationship. Fights end quickly because we normally end up laughing about something and forget what we were even fighting about. We each are articulate and friendly. We are respectful of each other's families and friends and do not feel the need to bad mouth them. We are understanding enough of each other to allow the other to vent about life's frustrations without having to try and fix their situations. We have enough confidence in each other allow space for separateness.

We add to each other's lives, we don't take anything away. We find joy in being together and joy in being apart. The relationship is never forced, it just is. It is very casual and easy going, loving and safe and open and free.

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