Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Purpose Driven Life

I am starting The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren today. It's a forty day program to help learn my purpose for being here.

Day1: The first day talks about finding your meaning for life. Understanding the fact that we are all here for a cosmic purpose. A plan that God has made for us.

I understand that and accept that. I have been reading a ton of Deepak Chopra books recently and in one of those books: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success he talks about Dharma. Dharma is the purpose of your life. I just read that lesson yesterday, how funny it is to me that everything I end helps begin a new lesson of finding my true purpose. Anyway, Deepak Chopra talks about the fact that God gave each of us a specific talent or gift that only we posses and learning what that gift or talent is is part of become successful. Once we understand 'How we can help' by using our own unique gift or talent then we will find abundance in this life.

I will be doing a lot of posting about what I'm reading and learning and I hope this will encourage some of you to look at your own lives, and if you are not truly happy, begin to start figuring out why you are not happy, and what you can do to find happiness in your life.

I do believe we are all here to be happy. Each and everyone of us is a unique being and we all deserve happiness.

I wish you all Love, Peace, Laughter and Joy.

Living Inspired,


Monday, March 23, 2009

Dark Places

I've begun a journey within myself. Lately I have been traveling through the darkest parts of myself. I've been going through my daily actions with awareness of what I truly believe. When those little troll voices [miss you Corinne!] come and say something hateful I have been automatically confronting those feelings. I am blessed enough to realize a lot of the feelings I hold about myself are things I have been taught to feel about myself. I've begun to realize that my beliefs about myself are things I learned from situations I watched other people in life have. I've spent years believing that their situation would also be mine because I was told that and because I knew nothing else. I excepted the limits others set for me, I never questioned things.

That's all changed now.

Now, in everything I'm learning, I'm beginning to realize I do not have to believe what everyone else believes, and they don't have to believe what I believe. We each have the opportunity, free will, to believe whatever it is we want. My new perspective has taken great work for me to understand is that each of us can believe whatever it is we want. Sounds simple enough right, but for years that idea has been hidden from me. I understand now that my truth is my truth. As long as I am happy with what I am doing then there is no reason for me to be offend if you decide to do something different from me.

I understand now that we are all here because we are magnificent creatures! In that realization I find happiness and joy. I find peace and confront in knowing that even though you are not exactly like me you are still of the same source of life that I am and I cherish you because of that. I choose to enjoy this life experience. I choose to look upon my life as a ride and cherish every new opportunity as a new and unique experience.

Always remember in this life you are never alone. Each of us is connected to the other.

Living Inspired,

Lift Me Up

My house is really coming out nice, thanks to the wonderful people in my life. My Aunt Kathy has continued to be a great help to me. I am really enjoying not only the decorating information she has given me but also just talking to her. She's an amazing woman!

Another person helping my dreams come true would be an old family friend who I am getting a piano from, I love the piano. I do not know how to play the piano yet, I look forward to learning though.

All is well and even though sometimes I may slip I will always be okay when I have people around me who can lift me up :)

Always Learning

The reason I am being quite on my blog right now is because I began to realize I am talking about all of these ideas without completely understanding how to properly explain this awesome experience I am having!!! I have been doing a ton of reading lately and every single day I learn something new. I experience another slight shift in my perspective. I am 'flipping' the coin of my life. It's happening a little more slowly than I anticipated. Because of that difference between how quickly I expected things to change and the reality in which things do change I was left with a feeling of lack.

I've had a difficult few weeks. All of the sudden I had massive doubt about everything. I lost my perspective.

I've been trapped in quicksand, held down by gravity. I've been unable to see outside of this moment, the pain and anger and offense I've felt about everything. Luckily I have had everyone who I have been giving this good advice to give it right back to me. They help me in every moment to find my perspective again.

I am aware that I can not 'flip my coin' within a moment because flipping my coin involves changing my beliefs. What I believe my life is, what I think it can be and discovering who I truly am. This is not going to be a simple quick fix. This is a true metamorphosis. It takes more than a day. I am excited about this experience I am creating and look forward to sharing the joy I discover with you.

Living Inspired,

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Belief in Lack Created Our Behavior

God does not condone our behavior when it is negative. When we behave in a negative manner against each other I believe we are behaving negatively against God. I believe God is the collective consciousness of all of us. What that means to me is that I am God, You are God, each of us is part of God and together as one we make up God.

In God there is no lack. Each and everyone of us is a piece of God and if we were to behave that way to ourselves and others then we would not have as many people behaving the manner they do. I believe a lot of the people who are mean and hurtful to others act that way because they were taught somehow that that is how they should behave. Mean people were taught, by the way others treated them, that they cannot find the guidance and love God is. They were taught that there is lack in this Earth and they mirror those beliefs with their actions.

If we were taught from day one that everything in life is possible and that life is not a competition we would be a happier Human Race. If we were taught there is abundance all around us, and my having what I want it will not limit you from having what you want because there is no lack, then I think we would see less anger and violence in this life. I think that the majority of the problems we all deal with in our lives is the belief that there is lack. Lack of love to be received, lack of money, lack of kindness, you name we as Humans seem to always see the limitations in everything.

If we were taught from birth that each of us is and incredible being, a piece of God in physical form here on Earth. If we were taught that God made us in his likeness therefore we are creators and that in being a part of God we find all abundance and no lack. If were taught that we are on this Earth to create alone as well as with others to make this life a beautiful experience then were would we find negative behavior?

Unfortunately we are not taught that we are all one within God. We are taught that we need to fight to get what we need because there is never enough. We are taught to step on each other to get to where we want to be because you and I can not both find our happiness, one must lack for another to gain. That is the thought process that has led to where we are today!

We do not see each other as exceptional beings that can make this a marvelous place just by wanting good in my life and wishing the person next to me no harm or pain because they want the same or something completely different. We as Human take great offense when people behave differently then we think they should behave. Why should I feel anger towards a person who is living their life happily the way they want to live it? If it does not harm my life and they are not causing harm to others than it should be none of my business. I believe I am on this planet to have an amazing experience that I am able to create because I am a child of God. I was made in his likeness and I know that I should and could live a better existence than what I have now. I know that if I look deep down within myself and truly ask who God is I cannot see how he would create a world that is not abundant. I cannot see how he would knowingly allow us to come to this life only to learn what it means to suffer. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

If we as Humans were to spend more of our time focusing on the benefits in our lives and focus more on our own lives and be less concerned with what our neighbor is doing we would be better off. This life can be paradise. I believe you can have exactly what you want and I can too. I believe that if we were to spend more time enjoying our lives and looking less at the things that upset us but more at things that inspire us we as the Human Race would be a better people.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Religion had tainted God

I believe organized religion has tainted God. I know it was probably originally indented to bring people to God but I think organized religion has only pulled more away from God and his true message.

I can only speak from my own experiences and the experiences I have witnessed in my life. I know very few people in my own life who actually go to church. I don't go to church. I was raised Catholic and did spend time being a Christian. Now I am Micah, a believer in God.

I do understand the idea of church. A place where people can come together and rejoice in the power of God together is a wonderful idea!

The problem I have experienced with organized religion is the rules and stipulations they insist God has for receiving his love. If you have a child out of wedlock or love someone of the same sex or divorce you are, in some churches, excommunicated. What is that about!?! Can you truly tell me that because I, or others, have chosen to love, no matter what that love is, that it is wrong and God no longer wants us? Seriously!?! This is what the organized religions that I have experienced have shown with thier behavior. They hold by the word of the Bible. A book that has been written and rewritten millions of times. A book written by man. The only parts of the Good Book I decide to listen to are the stories of Jesus, my brother, for I am a child of God just as he was. The man who was brought to this Earth by God to show us that when we are not taught that we lack, we can know and see our true power.

Jesus hung out with all sorts of 'unacceptable people'. He showed love and compassion to all, especially the ones who were cast out. If the Son of God could show love and compassion to all, especially the ones who everyone on Earth believed lacked God's love then, what does that tell you? It tells me we are meant to love and show compassion to everyone. It tells me God does not judge us in the same light man would have us judged.

Church has added rules and stipulations that they say God believes. What we should be teaching is that God loves each and everyone of us. He loves us no matter who we love, how we behave or which religion we belong to. I don't believe the people who spend more time judging and holding people to a standard by strictly following what the Church says is going to go to Heaven any quicker than the Gay Man who loved his partner more than he could love himself.

In my eyes God is love first and foremost. When we begin to behave more like God, love all, even the ones we do not completely agree with, then we will feel God's love. When we show more compassion and understanding to the ones who need love most that is when violence and pain will start to recede. For if everyone was taught they are loved by God no matter what and that to be like God is to love all because we are all connected in God I doubt we would have as much murder or violence against one another. If we were taught that we are a collective, and if we were to behave that way, lift each other up, and spend our time seeing ourselves as part of the power of God and less time believing we are individuals this world, we would thrive!

Love costs nothing. Compassion costs nothing. Understanding and the pure joy of living life in harmony costs nothing. If we were to spend our time focusing on the abundance of all of these emotions we have to offer to one another we would be rich! We would all be prosperous, we would all be abundant, and none of us would lack. There is power in collaboration. There is power in unity. There is power in this Human Race and we will find that power when we come together to help one another for that is what God had indented for us. That is why we are here and that is what it means when it is said that he created us in his likeness.

Consider it.

Living Inspired,

A New Day, New Opportunity

I start today with the intention that I will enjoy each and every moment I experience. I will remember that I am part of this universe, not merely a pawn. I am able to create in this experience. I have the power and ability to be, do or have anything it is I truly want. I need only believe and allow myself to have all my dreams come true.

I'm still working on the allowing and believing aspect of this plan. As much as I do truly believe that I posses more power than I am aware there is also that voice of doubt inside me. The voice that I have believed for so many years. A voice that is comprised of many different voices that has told me since birth that I am limited in the power I posses and the changes I can make within my life and the life's of others are limited. A voice I have heard for so many years it now sounds like my own voice. It is the voice of evil, evil against myself and against God who created me in his likeness.

As I said before I think the true Evil and Sin that we as man have been a part of is the belief that we are not enough. That somehow we lack. If we were to truly except and believe that we were made in the likeness of God, and God is all powerful and limitless, then we would rejoice in this opportunity to experience this life.

In the belief that we are merely man, a simple creation God put upon this Earth, we lack in power, importance and belief that we are something truly beautiful.

I guess it comes down to what you believe God is. If you believe, as I do, that God is Ultimate love, forgiveness, compassion and joy you would not doubt the importance of yourself. Each of us is an inspiring creation, none of us are exactly the same. We all bring to this world a unique perspective and power. We were made in the likeness of God. What does that mean to you when you hear that? Do you think the bodies we have are the 'likeness' we hold to God? I know I used to. I thought it was just that simple, God made us to look like him.

I've thought about this long and hard recently. I highly doubt we look like God. I believe we are made in the likeness of God inside. In the compassion, love, joy and all the good we are able to give and receive emotionally. I believe the times we are most like God are the times when we love for no other reason than to love. When we feel joy in the simplest joys in life. When we show compassion to someone who acts as if they don't deserve it. I say they 'act as if they don't deserve it' I believe if we were truly made in the likeness of God everyone would deserve our compassion, for God gives compassion to everyone. We as people are the ones who judge and find lack within each other and ourselves. That is where we lack as humans. We do not look at ourselves as a collective Human Race, we think and act as individuals. God made us in his likeness, and I believe that by being in his likeness, I was created to be kind, loving, understanding and compassionate. I believe I was meant to be that way to every single person, not just the ones I like but everyone. We are all connected. We are all a part of God, I believe we actually all make up the true power of God. When we come together we create amazing things and experiences. In those moments we are God on Earth. Not one of us is more important than the other, for we all are single pieces and bits of the same God. He may be named different in different places but he is the same none the less. The all powerful being that created this world and everything in it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Questions to Ponder

Let me start this post by saying these are my ideas. My questions and my thoughts, openly and honestly. I am not looking to offend anyone or make you question your beliefs but I however do have questions to ponder.

Is everything in the bible true? We [I was] were taught that the bible is the book to live by. However I questions the stories. I do not question my belief in God but I do question the stories. When I think about an all powerful God I think of complete and total love. I think of compassion, understanding and abundance. That picture of the God I have in my mind does not meet the God in the Bible. The God in the bible limits us from our first days on Earth.

I believe that that ultimate sin in life is to believe that in God we can find lack. Lack of love, forgiveness, understanding and compassion.

I hear people say 'You did this wrong and God is punishing you for that by giving you this'. If you truly believe in God and that he is the ultimate power how can you ever believe in lack within his love? I think that is the ultimate sin. For within God is everything good. Within God we find limitlessness and ultimate power. I believe God is in within each and everyone of us and that with this power we can have everything it is we desire.

I believe that once we except that God is part of us and we are part of him we can change this world and our lives for the better. When we let go of the belief that in God we can find lack then we can start to let go of the belief that within ourselves there is lack. For if God does not lack, and we are part of him, then we do not lack. We are all a part of God. I believe that we are God, in single bits and pieces. I believe that we are focused energy in this life and that our ultimate consciousness is what makes up God. I know some may believe I'm going to far in my reasoning but I love this idea. The idea that we all contribute and are all an intricate part of the God that provides for us.

I'll leave you with these ideas to ponder :)

Questions to Ponder

I read/ listened to The Law of Attraction-Abraham Hicks and Life and Death-Deepak Chopra this weekend. What was discussed in both recordings has continued my thought about what this life is truly suppose to be.

These are ideas that have been floating around in my mind. I do not expect all or any of you to agree with my views but, I would like to put them out there for you to consider. I also would encourage each of you to listen to the Abraham Hicks teachings. They are, if nothing else, another way to view life. I have taken the ideas that they provided and also the ideas I have learned throughout the years from school and church, teachers and friends. Just consider these thoughts. You don't have to agree or even believe but what I do believe is nothing is what it seems in this world.

First I believe in God. I believe that God is the collective consciousness of all of us together. I believe that in God there is no lack, only abundance, love and joy.

I believe Jesus was sent here, not only to show us God, but also to show us the infinite power we possess in ourselves. Jesus was told from an early age that God was his Father. He never had any reason to doubt the power he possessed. He could do anything without fear, or limit, because he knew who he was, where he came from, and the ultimate power he had available to him by being part of his Father.

We are all Children of God. We all have the exact unlimited power to pull from as Jesus had. The only difference I see is that we were not taught that belief from birth. If you were taught from birth that you were the child of God would you ever believe or question your limits? I know I wouldn't.

When Jesus was dying on the cross he said 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do'. Has anyone ever considered that perhaps Jesus was saying that because he was asking God to forgive us for believing within God there is lack?

The Start of a New Experience

Everything in my life is changing right now. It seems like nothing is going to stay the same. My love of the last 5 years has moved out, a mutual decision. I wanted us both to take some time to learn who we really are. I want to have the chance to heal from old wounds that we have afflicted upon each other over the years in anger, vengeance and plain stupidity. We both have a tremendous love for each other, I'm thankful for that. I'm not sure I would be as calm as I am going through this process if I did not know of the love we share.

Today I am feeling anxious though. I have a feeling of unease, as if a shoe is about to drop. I am doing everything I can to try and divert my attention from that energy onto a more positive train of thought.

One of my favorite songs is Waiting To See from Sara Barellis. The lines that resonates with me most are:
I'm waiting to see what I might be
if released from chains that bind me from within.
I'm holding out on feelings of doubt
that capture my release
and I'm waiting for peace to come in and let me out.

These lines explain exactly what I am currently doing in my life. I am not thinking or acknowledging the feelings of doubt or lack that I have been taught to believe this life holds. I am looking for opportunities to better my life. Not only in the way I think about myself and my situation but also how I view others and their situations. I do believe that the world is good.

Now I'm Waiting To See.