Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Religion had tainted God

I believe organized religion has tainted God. I know it was probably originally indented to bring people to God but I think organized religion has only pulled more away from God and his true message.

I can only speak from my own experiences and the experiences I have witnessed in my life. I know very few people in my own life who actually go to church. I don't go to church. I was raised Catholic and did spend time being a Christian. Now I am Micah, a believer in God.

I do understand the idea of church. A place where people can come together and rejoice in the power of God together is a wonderful idea!

The problem I have experienced with organized religion is the rules and stipulations they insist God has for receiving his love. If you have a child out of wedlock or love someone of the same sex or divorce you are, in some churches, excommunicated. What is that about!?! Can you truly tell me that because I, or others, have chosen to love, no matter what that love is, that it is wrong and God no longer wants us? Seriously!?! This is what the organized religions that I have experienced have shown with thier behavior. They hold by the word of the Bible. A book that has been written and rewritten millions of times. A book written by man. The only parts of the Good Book I decide to listen to are the stories of Jesus, my brother, for I am a child of God just as he was. The man who was brought to this Earth by God to show us that when we are not taught that we lack, we can know and see our true power.

Jesus hung out with all sorts of 'unacceptable people'. He showed love and compassion to all, especially the ones who were cast out. If the Son of God could show love and compassion to all, especially the ones who everyone on Earth believed lacked God's love then, what does that tell you? It tells me we are meant to love and show compassion to everyone. It tells me God does not judge us in the same light man would have us judged.

Church has added rules and stipulations that they say God believes. What we should be teaching is that God loves each and everyone of us. He loves us no matter who we love, how we behave or which religion we belong to. I don't believe the people who spend more time judging and holding people to a standard by strictly following what the Church says is going to go to Heaven any quicker than the Gay Man who loved his partner more than he could love himself.

In my eyes God is love first and foremost. When we begin to behave more like God, love all, even the ones we do not completely agree with, then we will feel God's love. When we show more compassion and understanding to the ones who need love most that is when violence and pain will start to recede. For if everyone was taught they are loved by God no matter what and that to be like God is to love all because we are all connected in God I doubt we would have as much murder or violence against one another. If we were taught that we are a collective, and if we were to behave that way, lift each other up, and spend our time seeing ourselves as part of the power of God and less time believing we are individuals this world, we would thrive!

Love costs nothing. Compassion costs nothing. Understanding and the pure joy of living life in harmony costs nothing. If we were to spend our time focusing on the abundance of all of these emotions we have to offer to one another we would be rich! We would all be prosperous, we would all be abundant, and none of us would lack. There is power in collaboration. There is power in unity. There is power in this Human Race and we will find that power when we come together to help one another for that is what God had indented for us. That is why we are here and that is what it means when it is said that he created us in his likeness.

Consider it.

Living Inspired,

1 comment:

  1. Micah, very interesting thoughts. Since I just "met" you yesterday when you stopped by my blog, I'm going to try to ease into discussion here, as I have not had time to get to a feel for where you are coming from, so please forgive my ignorance and feel free to set me straight! [smile]

    A couple thoughts from this post:

    I completely agree that God loves each and every one of us. He even loves me [smile]. But, at the same time, that doesn't mean that He loves everything I do. When I am mean to people hurt them with my words, He doesn't like that. It doesn't mean that He loves me any less, but He very much doesn't like me not loving others. Yes?

    So, yes, while Jesus hung out with all kinds of "sinners"--aren't we all [smile]--that doesn't mean He didn't think they should stop doing evil. So, yes, while we shouldn't excommunicate--I agree--that doesn't mean we condone murder, rape, or child abuse. We still love the person, but we--if we are to love others--must work to get them to stop perpetrating evil.

    And that is where I think you're talking about something else... because love costs a ton. Compassion is a huge investment! Living in harmony is hard work... because we aren't perfect. At least, I know I'm not and my wife has to be exceedingly patient with me from time to time [smile].

    But you are right: There is power in unity. May we truly unite in Godly love that reaches out to everyone, loves everyone, helps us act in such a way that we really love one another... even when it's really hard work.

    I look forward to getting a better idea of your thoughts on this, and other matters, in the days to come. It is a pleasure to know you, even if "only" here on the blogosphere [smile].

