Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Other Side

What would happen if I could 'flip' my life, to joy, as easy as I could flip a coin? What would happen if all of my desires were at my feet tomorrow? What if, by simply changing what I believe limits me in life, I could change my entire life? What if I had never been taught that there is lack in this world? What would I believe?

We are, I am, a creature that uses references to determine reality. So if I am unable to reference any experiences (the positive experiences I want) in my life, or the lives of Others' that I have seen, it can be difficult (not impossible) to offer the feeling that experience could bring me.

I realize now that I don't have to have that experience, or reference, to still want. I just have to want. I now focus on wanting the experience of having that which I have never experienced. I want to experience abundance in every positive area of my life. I want to experience the peace, joy, excitement and freedom that comes from abundance. I want to experience the bliss of being able to do, or have, whatever I want. I want the opportunity to be able to focus my attention on whatever it is I want to focus my attention upon.

I know myself well enough to know my focus would be on happy, positive ideas. I know that my desire to create, and the creation of my dreams, would not be something that would create harm or pain to someone in this world. I know that my being able to achieve the desires of my heart, I would work on helping Others' benefit . My true desire is to be able to live a life where I can put my attention where I want it without having to be concerned with the monetary gain.

I want, truly want, to be able to help others whenever I want, in any way I want. I want to touch peoples lives in a positive manner. I want to inspire people to achieve their dreams. I want to be able to have enough financial freedom to be able to offer assistance in a moment's notice. I want to be able to pay back the kindness I have received in this life, I want to spread kindness as well.

I want to experience the leisurely life. I want to live unrushed and unworried and in appreciation for everything I enjoy in my life. I want to use my energy for moments of laughter, peace, kindness and joy. I want to feel all the goodness this life experience has to offer.

I want in every moment. I am great at wanting! I believe the thing that I have allowed to hold me back for so long was my beliefs. My belief that there had to be something more than my wanting, more of a deserving, to be able to attain what I want.

I want to make clear that the deserving I felt needed to be there, is the allowing of others to help me have my dream. I thought that others determined who got what, that the world is based on need and neediness. Since I didn't 'need' the things I wanted I didn't believe I should have them, because someone else needs it more.

I realize now that need doesn't matter. Need doesn't help you achieve, or appreciate what you receive. In my opinion I think need might be one of the biggest problems we have today. With need we focus on lack. 'I need this', 'I don't have that', so 'I need to get this in order to get that'. With need comes limitations [again, this is all my opinion]. Think about it what's more fun getting what you 'need' while out or getting what you 'want'? I say want!

You know the song 'You Can't Always Get What You Want', why!?! That song has always rubbed me the wrong way, why can't I get what I want? Or how 'bout, 'Two Outta Three Ain't Bad'? "I want you, I need you but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you. But don't feel sad, two outta three ain't bad." What!?! Are you kidding me! Everything is about lack, limitation and settling. 'You can't have your cake and eat it too'. Why the heck not! It's MY CAKE!

There are tons of examples that we are taught lack from the get go. We are taught be be thankful for what we get no matter how little it is. Why?!? I believe we should be grateful for everything positive in our lives. I believe we should enjoy our lives to the fullest, I believe that is why we are here. I believe that this life experience is meant to be a Day In The Park.

With that belief, that we should live our lives to the fullest, I cannot also believe that there should be lack in life. That is a contradiction and I'm getting tired of contradictions, although the perfume smells great ;)

I believe that we are constantly offered new opportunities to experience elation in this life. Whether we see those opportunities are not is our choice. We have free will to believe anything it is we want to believe. Isn't that great!!! Anything I want to believe I can, no matter what anyone says to the contrary, I have the choice to believe what I want to believe.

That idea, that I can believe anything I want, is the most wonderful idea I have ever heard! That everything on this planet, every rule or perception I have is just a belief. A belief can be changed or altered, it is not law.

I know that changing what I believe is a very important step towards the happiness I want in life. I know that by letting go of beliefs that don't benefit me in this life is a choice I have the ability to make. I am finally aware of the opportunities in my life. I feel as if I am finally looking at my life as an 'observer' and less as 'stuck in the situations'.

I know this change in perspective is important. I know that my wants are not something I should be ashamed of because they are the reason I am here. To want and experience whatever it is that will make me happy. To create and bring to this experience what I believe would make it better. To enjoy life and be in a state of exhilaration. I am here to create joy in my life. My want is to create joy in other's lives as well. So, in order to reach exhilaration in my life, that I want to experience, I will look for avenues to help others. My want is goodness for all, happiness and laughter for all, abundance for all. I know, that I cannot create my happiness in an other's life. They themselves create their reality.

So I want to be able to be free to be able to assist the ones who want my assistance without worrying about monetary gains. I also want to not feel an obligation to help everyone, only those who ask for help. I want to inspire without being preachy. I want to lead by example. I want have the ability to keep perspective in all situations. I want to enjoy the peace of only involving myself in situations that I am able to be of benefit in. I want the calmness of abundance. The peace, joy, laughter and freedom of be able to give of myself and what I have without ever be aware of lack. I want to notice the abundance in everything I see, in my life, as well as the lives of Others'. I want people who meet me, and know me, to see their positivity and abundance mirrored through me. I want to help Others' 'flip the coin', 'change their stars'. I want to help Others' find their paths and opportunities to their 'Heaven on Earth' or 'Day In The Park'.

I want the financial freedom to be able to do whatever it is I want to do. I want to be able to help others in whatever way I enjoy helping them without the concern that what I am doing will negatively effect my life or my abundance. I want unlimited resources available to me. I want happiness, peace, laughter and joy in all of the moments of my life.

I believed everything that I was taught in my childhood. It hasn't gotten me too far. Now I will believe what I want to believe. I know the benefits and joy I will find in thinking this way. The happiness that will flow to me and the enjoyment I receive in sharing my experiences with Others. It will not and cannot be a bad thing. I do not and will not believe that I was meant to live this life unhappy.

I believe this life is a gift, I am meant to receive joy from this experience, not pain. I am meant to feel powerful and special just to be here. I am significant, my opinion and beliefs matter. I know I wouldn't have agreed to have this experience (and yes, I do believe us being here is a choice) if I knew that this experience would be bad. I believe that before I came here I did know what type of experience I wanted, and I'm sure I knew without any doubt, I could attain it!

I'll bet that I came here Full of excitement! Eager and willing to go through this experience because I Knew this was not the beginning and end of me! I know myself well enough to Know that I would not put myself in a situation where I would be hurt or sad or in pain.! I Know I came here to have fun! I came here to live and enjoy this experience with others! I came for a Day At The Park :) To go on a few rides, see what rides I enjoy, and what rides I don't ,and ride more of what I enjoy and less of what I don't.

The power that I feel in knowing who I truly am is incredible. I thank goodness that I do know enough about myself feel this power. I am thankful that I had a Mother who taught me throughout my life that what I want is important, even if she's never been able to believe that for her own self.

I know I am good. I know I am power. I know I am happiness and peace and joy! I know that I am loved, even if the only person who loves me is me, I am loved. I matter, my wants matter and I am here to create the best life I can have.

That knowledge brings me peace and joy and happiness.

Living Inspired,


  1. Funny you mention the songs. I never liked the lyrics to "Love the one you're with"....why would anyone want to settle for second place?

  2. I constantly debate that idea with my Dad lol!! :)
