Saturday, February 21, 2009

Consistency Please!

I have a real bad habit of not being consistent in anything!!!! I'm working very hard to change that behavior. But, when things pop into my mind, like how I can make my house look amazing! I get stuck!

I am aware though that I need to keep consistency so that I can make it through this process and end up here I want to be. I always start and never follow through. There is what I am today to prepare and allow myself success.

  • I received 5 new Audio books from the library today. I paid of Hella fines but now they are paid and all is good there. One less thing weighing on me. All the books I got are meant to teach and inspire me. I will post a review of each books when I complete it. Today I am logging all of them into my computer and then taking them right back to the library!!! No more fines for me :)

  • I will be making myself an eating plan that I plan to stick to!!! I will post my eating plan by Sunday night.

  • I need to plan my work schedule as well, I'll post that by Sunday too.

Living Inspired,


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