Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Break Through Baby!!!!

I listened to the Law of Attraction last night. I don't think my mind has stopped feeling thrilled by the information I got from it. I truly enjoyed listening to the series! I'm not sure I can even explain how I feel other than completely inspired!!!!

The idea that I, personally, create everything in my life and I have the choice of using that control to do what I truly want is absolutely life changing! I feel free! I feel like I can have anything and everything I want and I LOVE THAT FEELING!!!!!

The idea that the amazing life I want is attainable and not only that but that my wanting what I want does not create lack in someone Else's life. I used to feel guilty for my wanting because i want a ton of things, experiences and love. I want the greatest things in life.

Before I always believed that by me having those things I want someone else would lose it. I believed that someone else was always more deserving of whatever there is. I believed that the person who worked hardest or needed the most should receive what they want before me because of the scarcity of the good in our world. I lived my life with a clear understanding of lack. I was taught that belief all throughout my life. By people importance and ones of no consequence.

The thing I didn't understand, at the time I was learning these beliefs, was that I had a choice in whether or not I chose to believe that. Those people who taught me to believe it taught me that because they believed it. They didn't teach me to hold me down or ruin my experience here. They told me to protect me from disappointment. Disappointment that they had experienced. Each of us only truly knows I thing, the thing that we ourselves have experienced.

If we are raised to only know lack and that is all that surrounds us and all the we experience, then it can be difficult, but not impossible ;), to see the other side of the coin.

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