Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why Metamorphosis?

The definition of Metamorphosis according to Miriam Webster is: A striking alteration in appearance, character or circumstance

I have known many people who have spent their lives unhappy with their 'situation'. They spend most, if not all, of their time disliking where they are in life. They always have a reason why they are where they are, and normally that reason has to do with what someone did to them. They give all control of their lives away to others and then waste their lives unhappy with the choices 'made' for them. They feel trapped, alone, angry and not sure how, or if ,they can ever come out of the Hell they call their life.

I understand this because I too have had all of those feelings as well. Then their was a breaking point,and I finally understood, I am the only one who can truly control what I do, how I feel and how I act.

When I realized that I decided to undergo a metamorphosis inside myself. I took the time I needed to heal and nurture my own heart and soul. I became my own Life Coach. Instead of spending my time feeling 'stuck' in my situation I decided to spend that time helping myself overcome the situation. I hope the information I will be sharing will help others to find a way to free themselves from situations they have felt unable to control.



  1. Many people live their entire life and never understand that it was they who where in control of their happiness. I commend you for the realization. Its is a sad story when other fail to step up. They take they easy way out and succumb to the misery. As they say misery loves company, so I feel sorry those involved in a relationship with someone who let life control them.

  2. I'm excited, can't wait to see how this goes!
