Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thanks for Life

As I end my night tonight I want to give thanks for my life. I am so thankful for where I am right now. I enjoy the understanding I have come to within my life. I feel constantly on the edge of an undiscovered happiness and at the same time completely enjoy where I am in the single moment. I see all of the potential and possibilities that are available to me, and I am so grateful for this journey!

We are not limited. Our freedom does not rest within this world, it rests within our souls. When we connect to the power within ourselves our outside world is altered. We hold ourselves back by believing that we lack. We accept that we are powerless in this journey. We believe the outside world, without consideration that no one in this world knows our soul.
The only person who can truly brings happiness into your life is yourself.

We need to look within and acknowledge the power and glory we posses, we need accept the responsibility to be the person we were meant to be. We need to be strong and stay focused on who we have the ability to be, and the amazing thing is we are not limited! We can achieve whatever we want as long as we get past the idea that we lack.

I say thank you to the Universe. Thank you for bringing me the understanding that I am truly more than I was ever led to believe from the outside world. Thank for leading me to the answers that I needed to understand in order to find myself. Thank you for leading to the ways I could free myself from my demons. Thank you for my world!!

Living Inspired!

Micah Ann

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