I want a partnership. I want to feel like a am just as important to the relationship as my partner is. I want a partner who values me, my opinion, my thoughts, ideas and feelings. I want a partner who sees who I am and likes me just the way I am. I want a partner who doesn't think I need to be fixed or changed or altered, someone who sees the beauty I posses, even when I can't see it for myself.

I want be with someone who wants to know me, how I tick and why I feel the way I feel. I want someone who wants to be with me, not because they think they can save me, or that they have to. I want them to be with me because they think I am amazing and want to be on this journey through life with me, not someone to guide me but someone who wants to walk by my side.
I want a person who feels better when I'm around, who finds joy in my presence.
I want to be with someone who does not remind me of all they do for me but instead reminds me of all we can do together. I want to be with someone who sees me as their equal, who is willing to pick me up when I am down, because they know without a doubt, that I can and will do that for them.
I want to be with someone who sees the strength and frailness inside of me and loves both sides. I want to be with someone who will comfort me when I cry and push me to do things I don't think I'm capable of doing, because they know I can. I want a friend, a true friend, one who will stand by me right or wrong, good or bad.
I want a connection. I want love. I want the happiness and peace and strength that come from knowing your have a teammate in this world. The person who is not proud, who does not think they are better than me. A person who does not feel the need to remind me of everything they have done for me.
I want someone to know me, to really know me, to want to know me.
I watch a lot of TV shows like, Ghost Whisperer and Medium, and other shows where the woman is the main character. She is always a little messed up, she's always getting into trouble but she is powerful and strong. My favorite part of the shows, beside the clothes ;), are the husbands. Those women would not be half as powerful and capable if they did not have that person behind them cheering them on, understanding them and loving them for exactly who they are. I know it's just a TV show but I want that love. I want that partner. I want the one who loves me because I am me.
I know it is possible. I know love like that can exist, and I think maybe someday it could exist for me. So I am not going to give up. I am not going to settle. I know that I can love, I know when I love I love strong. I know someone, someday is bound to see that in me. So I will wait. I will work on the things I can work on. I will not accept that I must be with someone who looks at me more as a burden than a partner. I would rather go through this life by myself then with someone who cannot see the things I bring to the partnership, because that is not a partnership.
I want love, I want a connection and I know someday I will find it. And, when I do, I will cherish it always.
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