Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hopeless Romantic

I am a hopeless romantic and I am proud of that. Given all of the heartbreak I could claim I am glad to be someone who still believes there is a love out there for me. I still believe in Fairy tales and Happy Endings. I refuse to allow myself to be jaded by the experiences I have already had. I believe that 'Happily Ever After' is an option and I will maintain that belief until the day I die.

A lot of people have difficulty understanding the blind desire I hold for love. They like to caution me and warn me that I should put my focus onto more pressing, realistic matters. As if love is not something realistic.

They like to tell me that I am great all by myself, which I am, and I accept. I have always wanted love though and I have denied myself that connection since a young age. It may have been the relationships that I observed through childhood that led me to the belief that love is something mystical and incredibly illusive. I've always believed that love, true love, was something for the very special. Not everyone would find it and no one could keep it forever. I lived the majority of my life with that belief, I refuse to live that way anymore.

I want to believe that love is for everyone. I want to believe that love is true and precious and worth everything! I want to believe in the goodness of the world and the most basic of those ideas, in my opinion, is love.

So I say Damn the Man, I can give love, I can receive love, I can be love. To all those who feel I am being naive then that will show their beliefs about love, not mine.

I wish you all the greatest love this life can offer. Be open to the possibilities that this life was meant to be something happy, joyful and loving and when you look at things that way they will prove you to be correct.

In Love,


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