Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

I was looking through one of my journals a few nights back, I write a lot, and most of what I write is in written journals. My posts here are some things I have to say, but not all. I have been meaning to put them on here but I have not figured out the way I want to set things up.

Anyway....last night I found one of my journals and I was reading it through. It's from late Feb and early March. I was encouraged that I still have the same desires for my life that I did even a few months ago. I was encouraged by the fact that I was saying the right things to myself back then. I know that the differences between now and then are the conviction in which I say those things to myself.

I am pleased to see the growth in my confidence and love for myself. I am pleased to know that I am on the right path. That proof that I am moving forward helps me on days like today when I feel less of a connection to all that is good.

I am able to realize that there is some belief that I am holding on to that is clouding my connection with all that is good. In knowing and understanding that my beliefs and negativity that I am holding onto is the only reason I feel badly, I am better set up to deal with this situation. No one controls my life or my abundance, I am the only one who can restrict what I receive.

In knowing and accepting that, then I also know that I can change how I feel by understanding why I feel the way I do. Of course I haven't figured out why I am down today but I know that I will.

In times like these, when I feel lack I must be very careful to maintain kindness for myself. It is extremely easy to start blaming and saying things like, 'You're never gonna get it' or ' See you fell off again, you are worthless, just give up now'. Those are the things part of me says when I feel down, I must be very careful to not listen and agree with that voice. If I do I am giving up on myself.

So today I am working on being kind to myself. I working on being understanding and loving and not judging. I know I will make it past today and I know I will find my peace and happiness again. This is merely a block within myself that I must let go of, I will be okay.

I will use my old writings to remind me of my progress. I will write down what I feel is holding me in this place of sadness and I will move on.

Living Inspired,


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