I write all the time, a lot of my ideas are on paper and I came across one about the Garden Of Eden story.
I think that we should consider that the Bible and what it tells us may not be the complete truth. There are a ton of different scenarios that could've brought us to where we are now, I think it is important to explore those ideas. Challenge what you have been taught, it's not wrong to question different ideas, in doing so I believe you can find a better understanding of life and what it means to be here. The writing I came across was about how I am sceptical about the details of that story, about how maybe our original sin was not taking the apple, but the sin of the guilt Adam and Eve felt.
That maybe we never left the Garden Of Eden, maybe Adam and Eve felt as though they should be punished and they created the belief that God had banished them. It's a thought. It's an idea to consider. I know I have personally taken some wonderful things, people, opportunities out of my life because I did not feel as though I was worthy. Who is to say Adam and Eve did not do the same?
That one story is the basis of the way we are taught to look at God. What if the people who told it got it wrong? Maybe their perception was altered somehow and they believed that God would be angry and not forgive them, and that thought, the thought that God lacked enough compassion and love to forgive them of their transgressions, is what the real sin is all about????
What if we were never banished? What if that one thought caused the first disconnection, misalignment, separation between God and us? Or maybe the actual eating of the fruit, made us deaf to be able to hear God clearly anymore. There are a ton of different ways this story could've gone. If Adam and Eve had been able to hear God before and now they cannot, that would make sense that they would feel an even greater sense of disconnection and loss and lack.
Any of these ideas could be possibilities, any of these could be the main story of the Bible. Although, I do think if we truly let our hearts lead us, and not Man, we would never have need for the Bible. I'll write more on that thought later.....
If it is possible that we maybe were never were banished, but instead believed that thought when it was only an illusion of our mind, that would make this the Garden Of Eden! It makes perfect sense to me! Look at all this Earth has to offer! There are so many beautiful, wonderful places on this planet.
This Earth is set up to accommodate whatever temperature, climate, environment you want, all you need to do is choose where you want to live. What is it you want to see? Anything you want, it's available to you. We have the starts and planets and clouds above our heads and flowers at our feet. Everything around us was made for beauty and to be appreciated. Sounds the the Garden Of Eden to me :)
Consider It.
Living Inspired,
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