What would happen if I could 'flip' my life, to joy, as easy as I could flip a coin? What would happen if all of my desires were at my feet tomorrow? What if, by simply changing what I believe limits me in life, I could change my entire life? What if I had never been taught that there is lack in this world? What would I believe?
We are, I am, a creature that uses references to determine reality. So if I am unable to reference any experiences (the positive experiences I want) in my life, or the lives of Others' that I have seen, it can be difficult (not impossible) to offer the feeling that experience could bring me.
I realize now that I don't have to have that experience, or reference, to still want. I just have to want. I now focus on wanting the experience of having that which I have never experienced. I want to experience abundance in every positive area of my life. I want to experience the peace, joy, excitement and freedom that comes from abundance. I want to experience the bliss of being able to do, or have, whatever I want. I want the opportunity to be able to focus my attention on whatever it is I want to focus my attention upon.
I know myself well enough to know my focus would be on happy, positive ideas. I know that my desire to create, and the creation of my dreams, would not be something that would create harm or pain to someone in this world. I know that my being able to achieve the desires of my heart, I would work on helping Others' benefit . My true desire is to be able to live a life where I can put my attention where I want it without having to be concerned with the monetary gain.
I want, truly want, to be able to help others whenever I want, in any way I want. I want to touch peoples lives in a positive manner. I want to inspire people to achieve their dreams. I want to be able to have enough financial freedom to be able to offer assistance in a moment's notice. I want to be able to pay back the kindness I have received in this life, I want to spread kindness as well.
I want to experience the leisurely life. I want to live unrushed and unworried and in appreciation for everything I enjoy in my life. I want to use my energy for moments of laughter, peace, kindness and joy. I want to feel all the goodness this life experience has to offer.
I want in every moment. I am great at wanting! I believe the thing that I have allowed to hold me back for so long was my beliefs. My belief that there had to be something more than my wanting, more of a deserving, to be able to attain what I want.
I want to make clear that the deserving I felt needed to be there, is the allowing of others to help me have my dream. I thought that others determined who got what, that the world is based on need and neediness. Since I didn't 'need' the things I wanted I didn't believe I should have them, because someone else needs it more.
I realize now that need doesn't matter. Need doesn't help you achieve, or appreciate what you receive. In my opinion I think need might be one of the biggest problems we have today. With need we focus on lack. 'I need this', 'I don't have that', so 'I need to get this in order to get that'. With need comes limitations [again, this is all my opinion]. Think about it what's more fun getting what you 'need' while out or getting what you 'want'? I say want!
You know the song 'You Can't Always Get What You Want', why!?! That song has always rubbed me the wrong way, why can't I get what I want? Or how 'bout, 'Two Outta Three Ain't Bad'? "I want you, I need you but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you. But don't feel sad, two outta three ain't bad." What!?! Are you kidding me! Everything is about lack, limitation and settling. 'You can't have your cake and eat it too'. Why the heck not! It's MY CAKE!
There are tons of examples that we are taught lack from the get go. We are taught be be thankful for what we get no matter how little it is. Why?!? I believe we should be grateful for everything positive in our lives. I believe we should enjoy our lives to the fullest, I believe that is why we are here. I believe that this life experience is meant to be a Day In The Park.
With that belief, that we should live our lives to the fullest, I cannot also believe that there should be lack in life. That is a contradiction and I'm getting tired of contradictions, although the perfume smells great ;)
I believe that we are constantly offered new opportunities to experience elation in this life. Whether we see those opportunities are not is our choice. We have free will to believe anything it is we want to believe. Isn't that great!!! Anything I want to believe I can, no matter what anyone says to the contrary, I have the choice to believe what I want to believe.
That idea, that I can believe anything I want, is the most wonderful idea I have ever heard! That everything on this planet, every rule or perception I have is just a belief. A belief can be changed or altered, it is not law.
I know that changing what I believe is a very important step towards the happiness I want in life. I know that by letting go of beliefs that don't benefit me in this life is a choice I have the ability to make. I am finally aware of the opportunities in my life. I feel as if I am finally looking at my life as an 'observer' and less as 'stuck in the situations'.
I know this change in perspective is important. I know that my wants are not something I should be ashamed of because they are the reason I am here. To want and experience whatever it is that will make me happy. To create and bring to this experience what I believe would make it better. To enjoy life and be in a state of exhilaration. I am here to create joy in my life. My want is to create joy in other's lives as well. So, in order to reach exhilaration in my life, that I want to experience, I will look for avenues to help others. My want is goodness for all, happiness and laughter for all, abundance for all. I know, that I cannot create my happiness in an other's life. They themselves create their reality.
So I want to be able to be free to be able to assist the ones who want my assistance without worrying about monetary gains. I also want to not feel an obligation to help everyone, only those who ask for help. I want to inspire without being preachy. I want to lead by example. I want have the ability to keep perspective in all situations. I want to enjoy the peace of only involving myself in situations that I am able to be of benefit in. I want the calmness of abundance. The peace, joy, laughter and freedom of be able to give of myself and what I have without ever be aware of lack. I want to notice the abundance in everything I see, in my life, as well as the lives of Others'. I want people who meet me, and know me, to see their positivity and abundance mirrored through me. I want to help Others' 'flip the coin', 'change their stars'. I want to help Others' find their paths and opportunities to their 'Heaven on Earth' or 'Day In The Park'.
I want the financial freedom to be able to do whatever it is I want to do. I want to be able to help others in whatever way I enjoy helping them without the concern that what I am doing will negatively effect my life or my abundance. I want unlimited resources available to me. I want happiness, peace, laughter and joy in all of the moments of my life.
I believed everything that I was taught in my childhood. It hasn't gotten me too far. Now I will believe what I want to believe. I know the benefits and joy I will find in thinking this way. The happiness that will flow to me and the enjoyment I receive in sharing my experiences with Others. It will not and cannot be a bad thing. I do not and will not believe that I was meant to live this life unhappy.
I believe this life is a gift, I am meant to receive joy from this experience, not pain. I am meant to feel powerful and special just to be here. I am significant, my opinion and beliefs matter. I know I wouldn't have agreed to have this experience (and yes, I do believe us being here is a choice) if I knew that this experience would be bad. I believe that before I came here I did know what type of experience I wanted, and I'm sure I knew without any doubt, I could attain it!
I'll bet that I came here Full of excitement! Eager and willing to go through this experience because I Knew this was not the beginning and end of me! I know myself well enough to Know that I would not put myself in a situation where I would be hurt or sad or in pain.! I Know I came here to have fun! I came here to live and enjoy this experience with others! I came for a Day At The Park :) To go on a few rides, see what rides I enjoy, and what rides I don't ,and ride more of what I enjoy and less of what I don't.
The power that I feel in knowing who I truly am is incredible. I thank goodness that I do know enough about myself feel this power. I am thankful that I had a Mother who taught me throughout my life that what I want is important, even if she's never been able to believe that for her own self.
I know I am good. I know I am power. I know I am happiness and peace and joy! I know that I am loved, even if the only person who loves me is me, I am loved. I matter, my wants matter and I am here to create the best life I can have.
That knowledge brings me peace and joy and happiness.
Living Inspired,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Break Through Baby!!!!
I listened to the Law of Attraction last night. I don't think my mind has stopped feeling thrilled by the information I got from it. I truly enjoyed listening to the series! I'm not sure I can even explain how I feel other than completely inspired!!!!
The idea that I, personally, create everything in my life and I have the choice of using that control to do what I truly want is absolutely life changing! I feel free! I feel like I can have anything and everything I want and I LOVE THAT FEELING!!!!!
The idea that the amazing life I want is attainable and not only that but that my wanting what I want does not create lack in someone Else's life. I used to feel guilty for my wanting because i want a ton of things, experiences and love. I want the greatest things in life.
Before I always believed that by me having those things I want someone else would lose it. I believed that someone else was always more deserving of whatever there is. I believed that the person who worked hardest or needed the most should receive what they want before me because of the scarcity of the good in our world. I lived my life with a clear understanding of lack. I was taught that belief all throughout my life. By people importance and ones of no consequence.
The thing I didn't understand, at the time I was learning these beliefs, was that I had a choice in whether or not I chose to believe that. Those people who taught me to believe it taught me that because they believed it. They didn't teach me to hold me down or ruin my experience here. They told me to protect me from disappointment. Disappointment that they had experienced. Each of us only truly knows I thing, the thing that we ourselves have experienced.
If we are raised to only know lack and that is all that surrounds us and all the we experience, then it can be difficult, but not impossible ;), to see the other side of the coin.
The idea that I, personally, create everything in my life and I have the choice of using that control to do what I truly want is absolutely life changing! I feel free! I feel like I can have anything and everything I want and I LOVE THAT FEELING!!!!!
The idea that the amazing life I want is attainable and not only that but that my wanting what I want does not create lack in someone Else's life. I used to feel guilty for my wanting because i want a ton of things, experiences and love. I want the greatest things in life.
Before I always believed that by me having those things I want someone else would lose it. I believed that someone else was always more deserving of whatever there is. I believed that the person who worked hardest or needed the most should receive what they want before me because of the scarcity of the good in our world. I lived my life with a clear understanding of lack. I was taught that belief all throughout my life. By people importance and ones of no consequence.
The thing I didn't understand, at the time I was learning these beliefs, was that I had a choice in whether or not I chose to believe that. Those people who taught me to believe it taught me that because they believed it. They didn't teach me to hold me down or ruin my experience here. They told me to protect me from disappointment. Disappointment that they had experienced. Each of us only truly knows I thing, the thing that we ourselves have experienced.
If we are raised to only know lack and that is all that surrounds us and all the we experience, then it can be difficult, but not impossible ;), to see the other side of the coin.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Lift Me Up
Aunt Kathy has done it again!
She is currently getting rid of a couch. That couch just happens to be the couch I have been wanting, how great is that!!!
I have not shared my specific plans for my redecorating. What I have been doing is keeping my ideas and desires fresh in my mind. I shop everyday for something that would make me happy. I shop for furniture, clothes, jewelry, wedding dresses, houses, whatever I think I would like to have in my life someday. I find the things I would like and I add them, pictures of them, to my computer. Those pictures play as my screen saver. I get see all of the beautiful things I want in my life anytime I want to see them! It's great! I don't think about the lack of having the things I want, I know that would only bring me farther away from my desires. I focus on how nice it would be to have those things. I can see where I want to be, how I want to live, what I want to wear, what I want my body to look like in those clothes. I see the homes I would love to live in. I control my happiness by simply putting the pictures of my desires in a place where they will remind me of where I want to be. For now this is a step towards positive, for now this works and for now I am happy to just see the things that will bring me happiness. I don't doubt that these desires will manifest into reality. I simply enjoy the journey and eagerly but patiently wait for my dreams to come true.
She is currently getting rid of a couch. That couch just happens to be the couch I have been wanting, how great is that!!!
I have not shared my specific plans for my redecorating. What I have been doing is keeping my ideas and desires fresh in my mind. I shop everyday for something that would make me happy. I shop for furniture, clothes, jewelry, wedding dresses, houses, whatever I think I would like to have in my life someday. I find the things I would like and I add them, pictures of them, to my computer. Those pictures play as my screen saver. I get see all of the beautiful things I want in my life anytime I want to see them! It's great! I don't think about the lack of having the things I want, I know that would only bring me farther away from my desires. I focus on how nice it would be to have those things. I can see where I want to be, how I want to live, what I want to wear, what I want my body to look like in those clothes. I see the homes I would love to live in. I control my happiness by simply putting the pictures of my desires in a place where they will remind me of where I want to be. For now this is a step towards positive, for now this works and for now I am happy to just see the things that will bring me happiness. I don't doubt that these desires will manifest into reality. I simply enjoy the journey and eagerly but patiently wait for my dreams to come true.
Law of Attraction
One of the books I got from the library was the Law of Attraction, Abraham-Hicks. I have read/listened to several titles from them. Ask and it is Given, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent and now I am listening to the Law of Attraction.
All of their titles have interested me so much! There is something in what they say that resonates inside of me, like a understanding that this makes complete sense. It makes sense to me that we are having a experience here, a human experience, but we have always been and will always be.
What this series, The Law of Attraction, is teaching me now is that like attract like, simple enough. The idea I really like is the idea that today I am paving the road for a better tomorrow with the thoughts I have today. Every thought I give strong emotion to, and focus on, sets that thought into motion to become my reality. So if I take the time to be kind to myself and offer myself good, loving, positive thoughts I will create that in my future. Any negative thoughts I have will not only effect this time in my life but also my future is a very sobering idea. I really makes me want to stay positive and happy.
All of their titles have interested me so much! There is something in what they say that resonates inside of me, like a understanding that this makes complete sense. It makes sense to me that we are having a experience here, a human experience, but we have always been and will always be.
What this series, The Law of Attraction, is teaching me now is that like attract like, simple enough. The idea I really like is the idea that today I am paving the road for a better tomorrow with the thoughts I have today. Every thought I give strong emotion to, and focus on, sets that thought into motion to become my reality. So if I take the time to be kind to myself and offer myself good, loving, positive thoughts I will create that in my future. Any negative thoughts I have will not only effect this time in my life but also my future is a very sobering idea. I really makes me want to stay positive and happy.
Try Try Again
I did not forget the things I said I was going to do. I did actually do most of them. I got my books into my IPod, made a food plan and a workout schedule. Of course I missed the step of posting all of that info. Practice makes perfect. I am trying to establish new habits and behavior and I am not going to be angry with myself for not doing what I said. I accept that I am in the process of learning how I want to behave. I have 2 choices in my life. I can keep trying to do what it is I want or I can give up and accept that my life is only what it is and it will never change because I will never change. I've heard that so many times in life 'You'll never change'. What a horrible thing to believe!
I decide I want to believe that every single moment I have the opportunity to change. There's a saying 'Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change', I agree with that. Everything is perception. If you cannot believe that you are good enough for whatever it may be, a relationship, career, prosperity, happiness then you cannot achieve those things. You write your own story. In my story, on this day in the park I decide to try again to reach the goals that are important to me.
I decide I want to believe that every single moment I have the opportunity to change. There's a saying 'Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change', I agree with that. Everything is perception. If you cannot believe that you are good enough for whatever it may be, a relationship, career, prosperity, happiness then you cannot achieve those things. You write your own story. In my story, on this day in the park I decide to try again to reach the goals that are important to me.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Fix It Up
I have always enjoyed redecorating my house. I like trying new colors and styles. I never keep the same style for too long. It's time for a change and I am so excited about the things I am going to do. I will take pictures before I start and I will keep you up to date on what I doing.
I currently don't have a lot of money to go out and change everything the way I would like to be able to do someday. What I do now is what I can. I don't believe that you have to live unhappy with your environment. If you have any creativity and know what you want there is a way to do it. I would like to share that with people so I figure, what the heck, I'll add that to this blog too.
Look for pics and info on projects to be done.
I currently don't have a lot of money to go out and change everything the way I would like to be able to do someday. What I do now is what I can. I don't believe that you have to live unhappy with your environment. If you have any creativity and know what you want there is a way to do it. I would like to share that with people so I figure, what the heck, I'll add that to this blog too.
Look for pics and info on projects to be done.
Lift Me Up
Today I bought the cutest clothes! I got myself some workout gear and am pleased with how my purchases make me feel.
I have a hard time buying stuff for myself without feeling guilty, as I'm sure most other Mothers do to. I bought everything on super sale though and I didn't buy anything that wold not be used, so I'm pleased.
I think buying things and regretting it is counter intuitive, it doesn't help you in anyway. If I follow what I have learned in the Abraham Teachings then I cannot be sad. I'll enjoy what I have purchased and appreciate all my new clothes.
I have a hard time buying stuff for myself without feeling guilty, as I'm sure most other Mothers do to. I bought everything on super sale though and I didn't buy anything that wold not be used, so I'm pleased.
I think buying things and regretting it is counter intuitive, it doesn't help you in anyway. If I follow what I have learned in the Abraham Teachings then I cannot be sad. I'll enjoy what I have purchased and appreciate all my new clothes.
Consistency Please!
I have a real bad habit of not being consistent in anything!!!! I'm working very hard to change that behavior. But, when things pop into my mind, like how I can make my house look amazing! I get stuck!
I am aware though that I need to keep consistency so that I can make it through this process and end up here I want to be. I always start and never follow through. There is what I am today to prepare and allow myself success.
I am aware though that I need to keep consistency so that I can make it through this process and end up here I want to be. I always start and never follow through. There is what I am today to prepare and allow myself success.
- I received 5 new Audio books from the library today. I paid of Hella fines but now they are paid and all is good there. One less thing weighing on me. All the books I got are meant to teach and inspire me. I will post a review of each books when I complete it. Today I am logging all of them into my computer and then taking them right back to the library!!! No more fines for me :)
- I will be making myself an eating plan that I plan to stick to!!! I will post my eating plan by Sunday night.
- I need to plan my work schedule as well, I'll post that by Sunday too.
Living Inspired,
Friday, February 20, 2009
I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I want to do for my career. I'm a 31 Mother of 2 children. I have done many different types of jobs mostly in Sales. I've never a had serious passion of any of my job choices. They were all jobs, something I did to get paid and provide for my children.
As recent as last year I felt a pull towards Personal Training. I had lost 30lbs and enjoyed the inspiring effects that my weight loss created in others. I though 'That's it!' I'll become a Personal Trainer! It will help me stay on track for where I want be, healthy, fit, trim and toned. I will also in turn, inspire others to reach their goals, how great would that be! How much fun would it be to inspire others towards their own goals!
I looked into school, and at the time, I was unable to accrue the finances I need to attend. As with my Jeep, that anger, depression and disappointment put a halt to that desire quickly. I was angry for a long time about it. I started eating again in defiance, and slowly added back 10 of the 30 lbs. Then winter came and it got cold and this is where I have been since. 50lbs overweight, barely able to fit most of my clothes.
I have just recently, January 5th, started working out at the Y. I love exercising. I like the feeling of accomplishment that comes with a hard earned sweat. I like to push myself and see what my body can do. As a child I used my Asthma and every other excuse I could find not to do any working out through school. So this experience of strengthening my body is truly an enjoyment!
I could've signed up for Personal Training courses this spring but I decided to mull the idea over again. Was this really want I truly want? Parts of it yeah, but not everything. I don't believe that simply working out and learning to eat better is the complete answer.
As recent as last year I felt a pull towards Personal Training. I had lost 30lbs and enjoyed the inspiring effects that my weight loss created in others. I though 'That's it!' I'll become a Personal Trainer! It will help me stay on track for where I want be, healthy, fit, trim and toned. I will also in turn, inspire others to reach their goals, how great would that be! How much fun would it be to inspire others towards their own goals!
I looked into school, and at the time, I was unable to accrue the finances I need to attend. As with my Jeep, that anger, depression and disappointment put a halt to that desire quickly. I was angry for a long time about it. I started eating again in defiance, and slowly added back 10 of the 30 lbs. Then winter came and it got cold and this is where I have been since. 50lbs overweight, barely able to fit most of my clothes.
I have just recently, January 5th, started working out at the Y. I love exercising. I like the feeling of accomplishment that comes with a hard earned sweat. I like to push myself and see what my body can do. As a child I used my Asthma and every other excuse I could find not to do any working out through school. So this experience of strengthening my body is truly an enjoyment!
I could've signed up for Personal Training courses this spring but I decided to mull the idea over again. Was this really want I truly want? Parts of it yeah, but not everything. I don't believe that simply working out and learning to eat better is the complete answer.
Let's do this!
Alright!!!! I've decided today that I must dedicate myself to this Metamorphosis Process if I'm going to maintain my integrity. I recently listened to Anthony Robbins -Unlimited Power. I got several things out of listening to it:
Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion. Affirmation with discipline/action creates miracles.Always lie in integrity, make sure your daily actions mirror your belief systemGo from interest to commitment.
Ultimate Power gave me some great information on how to dedicate myself to this process and I have decided to implement these few. I recommend listening to it, it's was 50 mins, I cleaned while listening, and I got it from my local library so it was free advice ;)
Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion. Affirmation with discipline/action creates miracles.Always lie in integrity, make sure your daily actions mirror your belief systemGo from interest to commitment.
Ultimate Power gave me some great information on how to dedicate myself to this process and I have decided to implement these few. I recommend listening to it, it's was 50 mins, I cleaned while listening, and I got it from my local library so it was free advice ;)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Lift Me Up
I've had a pretty okay day today. I have been working on my thoughts for about a year now. I started learning about "The Law of Attraction", "Manifesting Your Destiny" and it really intrigued me. I thought about it, I think I'm a born Optimist deep down. I like to believe goodness and love conquer all.
So here is my Lift Me Up list:
I love goodness, the feeling of goodness, I even like the way it sounds. It's like sunshine in my day. A little too happy about the word goodness...., maybe, but I do love that word! I love the feeling it invokes in me. I want to be happy, truly happy and I don't believe there is any reason I shouldn't be happy.
When I first started this whole 'Positive Thinking' process I was very easily brought out of it, positive thinking, that is. I would work hard to try and get all the 'rational' people outta my head! I'm a daydreamer, I always have been. I'm the girl who goes through work humming the Smurfs theme, really :) I like that about myself. I like that there are bits of me that still have an innocent quality. The little silliness I posses. Anyway, back to the point.
In the last few months personal situations have been blocking me from seeing the good my life has to offer. The power I possess when I focus on something good. I haven't actually attained many of the things I am trying to 'Manifest', but......they seem to swirl around me. I see something I think would be positive for my life and opportunities or information just pop up, as if out of thin air, very cool. It just seems that little paths seem to be clearing for me. So I want to start logging what the good things are. That way if I am down, I have a place to come to Lift Me Up:) I have been thinking a lot about that I want in life. Visualizing and Journaling about where I want to be, what I want to have, how I want to live. I write my Journal entries as Thank You letters for how wonderful my life is. I mention things in as much detail as I can. My feelings of constant gratitude, and appreciation for all I have been blessed with. While writing this I also remain thankful for where I am right now. To be in a positive enough place to be able to create these vivid, happy daydreams where my life is all I want it to be is a good place to be:)
So here is my Lift Me Up list:
- Board Games from Aunt Kathy. One of my desires is to spend quality with family and friends. I know my 'On Earth As It Is In Heaven', or 'Happiness' is filled with laughter and love. I see happiness and no worry. Peace and calm along with joy and excitement, that's the life for me! So board games are a perfect way to connect and enjoy fun times. I had been thinking of how I would like to get a whole bunch of games. I don't plan on having a TV in my Happiness, I just thought about how fun it would be to play games and enjoy some time. I didn't think of buying them, I just thought about the joy the using them would create. A few days late my Aunt Kathy called with a number of games she was trying to get rid of:) I hadn't mentioned it to anyone, just something I was thinking about.
- My Jeep. I have always wanted a Jeep. I love them, always have. I love the wind, it just feels so cleansing to me. Especially a brisk wind on a sunshiny summer day. So the idea of being able to drive , which I don't like doing, and feel the sun and the wind would be decedent! I currently drive a Caddy. I'm not a huge fan of the Caddy, it's just too big for me. I would prefer a smaller car. Actually, I would prefer a Jeep! For a long time every time I saw a Jeep I would feel envious. I didn't even want to have to see a Jeep if I couldn't have it! I didn't notice any Jeeps for a long time after that. I thought about a Jeep again recently. Now when I see Jeeps I appreciate being able to see something I find beautiful. I see Jeeps EVERYWHERE!!! Like I said, swirling around me. Every time I see one I say 'Oh look, there's a Jeep'. Duh! What else would I say!?! ;) I believe that helps me to appreciate it more, by sharing it with others. My daughter and I notice a lot of Jeeps. If I don't spot it, she does:) One day I went into the store and came back out and MY JEEP [wrangler, Dark blue, tan top/interior] was sitting right next to my car. I thought of how absolutely great it would be if I was walking to that Jeep, without feeling any sadness or lack for driving what I am driving now. There's a red one for sale down the street right now. Red with Tan interior, red's pretty :) So I just look at it, and appreciate that I right now, get to drive by everyday and see it. If I keep it positive it'll turn up right in front of me, I'm sure of it.
Who am I?
I'm one of those walking, talking contradiction people. I come across as very open in person. I will tell people things and not bat an eyelash about whether they are trust worthy or not. At the same time I am extremely reserved. I don't let anyone in, mostly for fear of being truly seen and not accepted..... I guess. I think that is the reason but I'm not sure.
I really can't remember when I decided to become so guarded with myself but I do know I have been this way for a very long time. Even trying to open up and write about myself in this is extremely difficult.
I am......I guess that's what this whole entire journey is going to help me figure out. I feel as though I know very little about myself. I know I am strong, but in what sense I'm not sure. Am I considered strong because I have been through a lot in life and I have managed to come through those things and still have a heart? Or am I weak because I cannot seem to trust anyone enough to allow them into me? Don't know. Am I ever going to find true love, someone who will love me for my strengths AND flaws? Is that even possible? Am I wanting something that does not exist? Is my true love the one I have now and I just can't see it past my insecurities? Don't know. Will I ever reach the potential to be great that I do know I possess or will I continue to hold myself back in one way or another?
I have spent my life hiding within myself, like being wrapped in a cocoon I have kept true self protected from everything I possibly could. I'm realizing, and yes, I've been doing a lot of realizing lately, that if I continue to hide in myself I will never truly experience the joy this life has to offer. So I'm working on breaking free.
I have hiding behind my weight for years, all of my adult life actually, that is one of the areas I am working on. I am an emotional eater, I eat to be defiant, against what, I don't know. I eat in boredom and anger mostly. I know I feel good when I eat and drink correctly but I fight myself with every step towards my goal weight. I have 50lbs to lose in order to be at a healthy weight. Most people who know me look at me and say 'you can't possibly have 50lbs to lose, there will be nothing left of you, if you do that'. I wish they wouldn't say anything. I guess the first step to take in fixing that is not to tell them how much weight I plan to lose. I am good at exercising and I just joined my Local Y so I am taking classes and feeling a little more self confident every time I go. I start jogging last year and found a love for it. I really enjoy being outdoors. I love a nice breeze and starting up at the beautiful trees. I recently learned to play tennis and I have found a love for that as well. So staying moving is not a major problem for me, it's all about the food. I think I will start to log my food onto this blog so I can keep myself accountable.
I have started a Break Free of the Cocoon Workout Plan:
span class="blsp-spelling-error">Pilates/Yoga: This will be to stretch and loosen the binding of my cocoon. I have been in the cocoon forever and I know it will be no easy task to release myself from it. Yoga and Pilates will help me. I am coming into a new form and I want to make sure I know how to use this body I have hidden inside for so long. By working on my flexibility I will allow myself to learn grace in my new form. I like Yoga because it's meant to be a mind and body experience. I feel stronger and at peace when I am done. It will also help improve my posture and Pilates will help me with core strength. Sexy stomachs rock!
Long walks & Jogs: This will help me in 2 ways: Like I said before I love nature and I think it's important to enjoy the outdoors. To see people going about their lives, there's a connection you can feel while outside with others, without having to actually be with others. Jogging past someone else whose jogging gives me such a high, a feeling of camaraderie. When I have the right music, the beat is very important, it has to be something I can keep pace with, I have an amazing time. Normally when I jog I use club/dance music. JT and Brittany Spears, things of that nature are best because the beat stays consistent.
Long walks are great too! These are opportunities to relax. I can put my child in a stroller and off I go. Normally he'll get a nap in and the fresh air is good for him. When on long walks I normally will listen to something that will teach more about how to improve myself emotionally. I listen to Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Ester Hicks, Louise Hay and more. All of them teach some form of bettering yourself through thought. I'm learning that the power of thought is an amazing thing and that life can be turned around by just the way you look at things and where you focus your attention. By listening to this type of information while I walk I am also working on my mind and body. I'm a multitasker so I love this about my plan. I also plan on keeping track of the miles I have gone. I will use this as a guide for myself to show me how far I have come from the old me.
Next I have what I call Dance Therapy: Dance therapy is awesome!!!
It can be done at so many times of the day. I love music!!! It can take me to the highest places in side of myself and it can also pull me down, I think it's great either way. All I need to do is find the right music for the where I want to be emotionally and I am there. I use Dance Therapy for just about anything I need to do. Cleaning the house can be so much fun when you are shakin' your ass! The kids can join in, you get a cardio workout, the house gets clean and it's great for boosting confidence. No one has to see you dance when your in your house. You can do/try any move you want and never feel embarrassed. Unless you have a teenage daughter/son, then everything you do is embarrassing to them, so forget what they have to say, and shake it anyway! It's a great time to express yourself, release stress and nervous energy.
Strength: training: This is for exactly what is says. To build physical strength. I've read that the more muscle your body has the more calories your burn. Hell Yeah! I'm down with the weights! LOL
Okay so that's my plan. I'll start logging tomorrow. Good luck to me
Living Inspired,
I really can't remember when I decided to become so guarded with myself but I do know I have been this way for a very long time. Even trying to open up and write about myself in this is extremely difficult.
I am......I guess that's what this whole entire journey is going to help me figure out. I feel as though I know very little about myself. I know I am strong, but in what sense I'm not sure. Am I considered strong because I have been through a lot in life and I have managed to come through those things and still have a heart? Or am I weak because I cannot seem to trust anyone enough to allow them into me? Don't know. Am I ever going to find true love, someone who will love me for my strengths AND flaws? Is that even possible? Am I wanting something that does not exist? Is my true love the one I have now and I just can't see it past my insecurities? Don't know. Will I ever reach the potential to be great that I do know I possess or will I continue to hold myself back in one way or another?
I have spent my life hiding within myself, like being wrapped in a cocoon I have kept true self protected from everything I possibly could. I'm realizing, and yes, I've been doing a lot of realizing lately, that if I continue to hide in myself I will never truly experience the joy this life has to offer. So I'm working on breaking free.
I have hiding behind my weight for years, all of my adult life actually, that is one of the areas I am working on. I am an emotional eater, I eat to be defiant, against what, I don't know. I eat in boredom and anger mostly. I know I feel good when I eat and drink correctly but I fight myself with every step towards my goal weight. I have 50lbs to lose in order to be at a healthy weight. Most people who know me look at me and say 'you can't possibly have 50lbs to lose, there will be nothing left of you, if you do that'. I wish they wouldn't say anything. I guess the first step to take in fixing that is not to tell them how much weight I plan to lose. I am good at exercising and I just joined my Local Y so I am taking classes and feeling a little more self confident every time I go. I start jogging last year and found a love for it. I really enjoy being outdoors. I love a nice breeze and starting up at the beautiful trees. I recently learned to play tennis and I have found a love for that as well. So staying moving is not a major problem for me, it's all about the food. I think I will start to log my food onto this blog so I can keep myself accountable.

span class="blsp-spelling-error">Pilates/Yoga: This will be to stretch and loosen the binding of my cocoon. I have been in the cocoon forever and I know it will be no easy task to release myself from it. Yoga and Pilates will help me. I am coming into a new form and I want to make sure I know how to use this body I have hidden inside for so long. By working on my flexibility I will allow myself to learn grace in my new form. I like Yoga because it's meant to be a mind and body experience. I feel stronger and at peace when I am done. It will also help improve my posture and Pilates will help me with core strength. Sexy stomachs rock!
Long walks & Jogs: This will help me in 2 ways: Like I said before I love nature and I think it's important to enjoy the outdoors. To see people going about their lives, there's a connection you can feel while outside with others, without having to actually be with others. Jogging past someone else whose jogging gives me such a high, a feeling of camaraderie. When I have the right music, the beat is very important, it has to be something I can keep pace with, I have an amazing time. Normally when I jog I use club/dance music. JT and Brittany Spears, things of that nature are best because the beat stays consistent.
Long walks are great too! These are opportunities to relax. I can put my child in a stroller and off I go. Normally he'll get a nap in and the fresh air is good for him. When on long walks I normally will listen to something that will teach more about how to improve myself emotionally. I listen to Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Ester Hicks, Louise Hay and more. All of them teach some form of bettering yourself through thought. I'm learning that the power of thought is an amazing thing and that life can be turned around by just the way you look at things and where you focus your attention. By listening to this type of information while I walk I am also working on my mind and body. I'm a multitasker so I love this about my plan. I also plan on keeping track of the miles I have gone. I will use this as a guide for myself to show me how far I have come from the old me.
Next I have what I call Dance Therapy: Dance therapy is awesome!!!
It can be done at so many times of the day. I love music!!! It can take me to the highest places in side of myself and it can also pull me down, I think it's great either way. All I need to do is find the right music for the where I want to be emotionally and I am there. I use Dance Therapy for just about anything I need to do. Cleaning the house can be so much fun when you are shakin' your ass! The kids can join in, you get a cardio workout, the house gets clean and it's great for boosting confidence. No one has to see you dance when your in your house. You can do/try any move you want and never feel embarrassed. Unless you have a teenage daughter/son, then everything you do is embarrassing to them, so forget what they have to say, and shake it anyway! It's a great time to express yourself, release stress and nervous energy.
Strength: training: This is for exactly what is says. To build physical strength. I've read that the more muscle your body has the more calories your burn. Hell Yeah! I'm down with the weights! LOL
Okay so that's my plan. I'll start logging tomorrow. Good luck to me
Living Inspired,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Who can help me?
Like I said before, not everyday is easy. There are days when I have to try many different methods in order to keep myself positive throughout the day. Today happens to be one of those days, lucky me ;) I say 'lucky me' because as much as it sucks to feel down it does give me another opportunity to post again today, so I will make this a positive for the day. Lucky Me!
I'm sure you've heard the saying 'Fake it 'til you make it', I live that saying everyday! We all have issues. We all have moments where life just doesn't work how we planned or we just hurt for whatever reason. In those moments of weakened spirit we get to choose, stay hurt and in pain or move on to something else.
I choose to move on, try something new. Try to see the positives in every little thing you can find a positive in. My teeth are clean..... sometimes that might be the only positive thing you can think of. If that is true for you then you found one positive for the day. What else could you do? What simple things would make your day better? What could you do and add to your positive list for the day? Have you eaten yet today? You could have a healthy meal, drink a glass of water, send an email to someone you normally don't talk to. Anything that would allow you to feel better about yourself that you are able to do, do it! You know better than anyone else what could help you through a bad day. Be your own best friend, figure out how to help yourself.
The goal is to treat yourself how you would treat someone you truly love when they are down. Cater to yourself. I know that one of my goals is to eat better and drink more water. Right now I could drink a glass of water. That would help me into positivity way more than the Dr. Pepper I would normally give myself. We as people have a habit of treating ourselves by sabotaging ourselves. Alcoholics who are having a bad day will go have a beer. When they finish that beer they have only added another negative to their own list of pain. Emotional eaters will pick up their favorite comfort food and gorge themselves. Yet when done with that they only feel worse.
Work on understanding yourself. Understanding your goals, where you want to be and how to get there, then help yourself! We are our own greatest Alli or Enemy. Most of us will wait for someone else to help us. We will put our faith in the fact that they have all the answers, they can help us reach our goal. Few of us actually depend on ourselves to be the driving force in our lives. Few of us think we have what it takes to make our dreams a reality. When we live like that we are only setting ourselves up for failure
You are the most important person to help you, with anything, you want to achieve in your life. Sounds completely simple right. I can hear people who I know that will read this blog saying 'Duh, like I didn't already know that!' My point is yes, it sounds simple, but how many of us actually live our lives that way? How many of us look to ourselves first for any answers we may need for our lives? How many of us spend time helping ourselves reach those goals we've always wanted to attain.
Care for yourself. Protect yourself from harm, any harm, even the harm you would put upon yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat the love of your life, with kindness, love, understanding, and compassion.
Living Inspired,
I'm sure you've heard the saying 'Fake it 'til you make it', I live that saying everyday! We all have issues. We all have moments where life just doesn't work how we planned or we just hurt for whatever reason. In those moments of weakened spirit we get to choose, stay hurt and in pain or move on to something else.
I choose to move on, try something new. Try to see the positives in every little thing you can find a positive in. My teeth are clean..... sometimes that might be the only positive thing you can think of. If that is true for you then you found one positive for the day. What else could you do? What simple things would make your day better? What could you do and add to your positive list for the day? Have you eaten yet today? You could have a healthy meal, drink a glass of water, send an email to someone you normally don't talk to. Anything that would allow you to feel better about yourself that you are able to do, do it! You know better than anyone else what could help you through a bad day. Be your own best friend, figure out how to help yourself.
The goal is to treat yourself how you would treat someone you truly love when they are down. Cater to yourself. I know that one of my goals is to eat better and drink more water. Right now I could drink a glass of water. That would help me into positivity way more than the Dr. Pepper I would normally give myself. We as people have a habit of treating ourselves by sabotaging ourselves. Alcoholics who are having a bad day will go have a beer. When they finish that beer they have only added another negative to their own list of pain. Emotional eaters will pick up their favorite comfort food and gorge themselves. Yet when done with that they only feel worse.
Work on understanding yourself. Understanding your goals, where you want to be and how to get there, then help yourself! We are our own greatest Alli or Enemy. Most of us will wait for someone else to help us. We will put our faith in the fact that they have all the answers, they can help us reach our goal. Few of us actually depend on ourselves to be the driving force in our lives. Few of us think we have what it takes to make our dreams a reality. When we live like that we are only setting ourselves up for failure
You are the most important person to help you, with anything, you want to achieve in your life. Sounds completely simple right. I can hear people who I know that will read this blog saying 'Duh, like I didn't already know that!' My point is yes, it sounds simple, but how many of us actually live our lives that way? How many of us look to ourselves first for any answers we may need for our lives? How many of us spend time helping ourselves reach those goals we've always wanted to attain.
Care for yourself. Protect yourself from harm, any harm, even the harm you would put upon yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat the love of your life, with kindness, love, understanding, and compassion.
Living Inspired,
Day at the Park
Not everyday is easy. I don't wake up cheerful every single morning. I have bad days where I wake up and the only thing I really want to do is cry all day. I could spend hours crying about who doesn't love me, who thinks I'm strange and every mistake I have made in life. I have made a TON of mistakes!!! I have made enough mistakes in my life already that I could spend the rest of my life sitting and crying about it. I could be like Alice in Wonderland and create an entire ocean with my tears
I realize what a waste of time that would be!
I could spend my time thinking of all of my shortcomings or, I can focus on my strengths. I could look at all of those times that I made 'mistakes' and, instead of focusing on the pain in those situations, I could focus on the better understanding of myself that I have gained from those experiences. That's really what everything is, a new experience, not a mistake or error. We are not here on this planet, in this life, to be perfect. We are here to experience an amazing adventure!
Our life is like a Day at the Park.
Six Flags is a great amusement park. It has rides and games and anything you could ask for. It was made solely for our entertainment. I believe we should look at life the same way. We are here solely for the entertainment that these life experiences can offer us. As we go through this life, our own personal day at the park, we encounter things 'rides' that brings us ultimate joy. We also find 'rides' that we never want to experience again. We have the opportunity to choose which 'rides' or life experiences we want to take part in. We get to decide if we want to enjoy all of the joy the park has to offer or if we want to focus on all of the flaws.
We choose our lives.
We choose our experiences.
So on the days that I wake up feeling as though I could cry all day long, I decide to enjoy this Day in the Park! Today is another opportunity for me to experience the greatness of this adventure! Another day to focus on the joys instead of the flaws.
Enjoy your Day at the Park!
Living Inspired,
I realize what a waste of time that would be!
I could spend my time thinking of all of my shortcomings or, I can focus on my strengths. I could look at all of those times that I made 'mistakes' and, instead of focusing on the pain in those situations, I could focus on the better understanding of myself that I have gained from those experiences. That's really what everything is, a new experience, not a mistake or error. We are not here on this planet, in this life, to be perfect. We are here to experience an amazing adventure!
Our life is like a Day at the Park.
Six Flags is a great amusement park. It has rides and games and anything you could ask for. It was made solely for our entertainment. I believe we should look at life the same way. We are here solely for the entertainment that these life experiences can offer us. As we go through this life, our own personal day at the park, we encounter things 'rides' that brings us ultimate joy. We also find 'rides' that we never want to experience again. We have the opportunity to choose which 'rides' or life experiences we want to take part in. We get to decide if we want to enjoy all of the joy the park has to offer or if we want to focus on all of the flaws.
We choose our lives.
We choose our experiences.
So on the days that I wake up feeling as though I could cry all day long, I decide to enjoy this Day in the Park! Today is another opportunity for me to experience the greatness of this adventure! Another day to focus on the joys instead of the flaws.
Enjoy your Day at the Park!
Living Inspired,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Why Metamorphosis?
The definition of Metamorphosis according to Miriam Webster is: A striking alteration in appearance, character or circumstance
I have known many people who have spent their lives unhappy with their 'situation'. They spend most, if not all, of their time disliking where they are in life. They always have a reason why they are where they are, and normally that reason has to do with what someone did to them. They give all control of their lives away to others and then waste their lives unhappy with the choices 'made' for them. They feel trapped, alone, angry and not sure how, or if ,they can ever come out of the Hell they call their life.
I understand this because I too have had all of those feelings as well. Then their was a breaking point,and I finally understood, I am the only one who can truly control what I do, how I feel and how I act.
When I realized that I decided to undergo a metamorphosis inside myself. I took the time I needed to heal and nurture my own heart and soul. I became my own Life Coach. Instead of spending my time feeling 'stuck' in my situation I decided to spend that time helping myself overcome the situation. I hope the information I will be sharing will help others to find a way to free themselves from situations they have felt unable to control.
I have known many people who have spent their lives unhappy with their 'situation'. They spend most, if not all, of their time disliking where they are in life. They always have a reason why they are where they are, and normally that reason has to do with what someone did to them. They give all control of their lives away to others and then waste their lives unhappy with the choices 'made' for them. They feel trapped, alone, angry and not sure how, or if ,they can ever come out of the Hell they call their life.
I understand this because I too have had all of those feelings as well. Then their was a breaking point,and I finally understood, I am the only one who can truly control what I do, how I feel and how I act.
When I realized that I decided to undergo a metamorphosis inside myself. I took the time I needed to heal and nurture my own heart and soul. I became my own Life Coach. Instead of spending my time feeling 'stuck' in my situation I decided to spend that time helping myself overcome the situation. I hope the information I will be sharing will help others to find a way to free themselves from situations they have felt unable to control.
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