Friday, October 9, 2009

This is My Life

It's been such a long time since I have written. I have been journaling everyday but getting onto a working computer has been a challenge for me. My life seems drastically different then just a few months ago. I am such a different person than I was a few months ago, I am truly happy.

I give thanks everyday for the amazing people that are coming into my life. Every single day feels like a new opportunity for happiness, instead of another dreaded day. A lot of things have altered within my life but I know that the most significant change is really my attitude towards my life. I know longer focus on who and what I am not, I focus on who I am. I cultivate the beauty and peace within myself, and I focus on the best in others as well. I don't feel anger or hatred toward others, only a desire to influence their lives in the best possible ways.

All of the dreams I have for my life I'm realizing, are not necessary. As long as I can find happiness and peace within each moment I am the richest person in the world. I am surrounded by an abundance of love, friendship, laughter, happiness and joy. I didn't believe before that I would ever find that. I faced demons within myself that I never even realized existed. I have begun to set myself free!

I wish for you all to realize the freedom acceptance of yourself provides.

In Love and Kindness,

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